Alicante Prehistoric Ecology and Land-use Study 2000-2003

(Arizona State University & Universitat de València)

My colleagues and I returned to the valleys of Alcoi and the Rio Serpis drainage to undertaking a testing project that applied systematic coring protocols developed at the Chevelon Crossing site during the MRSS project (NSF Archaeology Program grants BCS-0331583, BCS-0075292, BCS-0331583, and BCS-0122866). We coupled this with geophysical survey and GIS-base interpolation methods to map buried structures. The best description of these methods can be found in:

García Puchol, O., Barton, C. M., & Bernabeu Auban, J. M. (2008). Aplicación de métodos de prospección geofísica en la detección de un gran foso del IV milenio cal ac en el yacimiento del Alt del Punxó (Muro de l´Alcoi, Alacant). Trabajos de Prehistoria, 65(1), 143-154.

(see Publications section for other papers)

2000 trenching and coring at the Albufera de Gaines, and surface collection at the Barranc d’Encantá sites

2001 geophysical survey, coring, and excavation at the Barranc d’Encantá and Alt de Punxó sites

2003 geophysical survey, coring, excavation at the Alt de Punxó and Mas Nou sites

Image Captions and Locations

Image# Caption Coordinates Location
01 project location    
02 Field crew (2000). At Roman Aquaduct near Chelva 39.747466˚ N, 0.9970062˚ W Chelva, Chelva, Chelva, Valencian Community, Spain
03 Field HQ at Mas de la Casa Blanca (2000) 38.771391˚ N, 0.4231228˚ W L’Alqueria d’Asnar, L’Alqueria d’Asnar, Valencian Community, Spain
04 Albufera de Gaianes (2000) 38.814607˚ N, 0.4078058˚ W benifaim, alicante, spain, benifaim, alicante, spain, Valencian Community, Spain
05 Trenching at Albufera de Gaianes (2000) 38.814607˚ N, 0.4078058˚ W benifaim, alicante, spain, benifaim, alicante, spain, Valencian Community, Spain
06 Coring at Albufera de Gaianes (2000)    
07 Coring at Albufera de Gaianes (2000) 38.814607˚ N, 0.4078058˚ W benifaim, alicante, spain, benifaim, alicante, spain, Valencian Community, Spain
08 Coring at Albufera de Gaianes (2000) 38.814607˚ N, 0.4078058˚ W benifaim, alicante, spain, benifaim, alicante, spain, Valencian Community, Spain
09 Terrace sediments 38.771391˚ N, 0.4231228˚ W L’Alqueria d’Asnar, L’Alqueria d’Asnar, Valencian Community, Spain
10 Cova de Cendres (2000)    
11 Cova de Cendres (2000)    
12 Cova de Cendres (2000). Field crew”    
13 Moros y Cristianos in Benimarfull (2000) 38.772818˚ N, 0.3889622˚ W Benimarfull, Benimarfull, Valencian Community, Spain
14 Moros y Cristianos in Benimarfull (2000) 38.772818˚ N, 0.3889622˚ W Benimarfull, Benimarfull, Valencian Community, Spain
15 Moros y Cristianos in Benimarfull (2000) 38.772818˚ N, 0.3889622˚ W Benimarfull, Benimarfull, Valencian Community, Spain
16 2001 Field HQ at Las Virginias 38.788334˚ N, 0.440804˚ W Muro de Alcoy, Muro de Alcoy, Valencian Community, Spain
17 Serpis valley (2001)    
18 Serpis valley (2001) 38.788334˚ N, 0.440804˚ W Muro de Alcoy, Muro de Alcoy, Valencian Community, Spain
19 Village (Planes) and terracing (2001) 38.788703˚ N, 0.3277829˚ W Planes, Planes, Valencian Community, Spain
20 Terraces near Planes (2001) 38.788703˚ N, 0.3277829˚ W Planes, Planes, Valencian Community, Spain
21 Buried soil under terrace. 38.798106˚ N, 0.4389126˚ W Vía Pista, Vía Pista, Valencian Community, Spain
22 Vineyard 38.798106˚ N, 0.4389126˚ W Vía Pista, Vía Pista, Valencian Community, Spain
23 Encantada and Rió Serpis valley 38.826511˚ N, 0.352819˚ W 38.822825,-0.348644, 38.822825,-0.348644, Valencian Community, Spain
24 R. Serpis near Encantada (2001) 38.798106˚ N, 0.4389126˚ W Vía Pista, Vía Pista, Valencian Community, Spain
25 Excavation at Encantada (2001)    
26 Coring at Encantada (2001) 38.826511˚ N, 0.352819˚ W 38.822825,-0.348644, 38.822825,-0.348644, Valencian Community, Spain
27 Encanta excavations (2001) 38.826511˚ N, 0.352819˚ W 38.822825,-0.348644, 38.822825,-0.348644, Valencian Community, Spain
28 Neus la Roca and Joan Bernabeu at Encantada (2001) 38.826511˚ N, 0.352819˚ W 38.822825,-0.348644, 38.822825,-0.348644, Valencian Community, Spain
29 Hermits’ caves near Encantada (2001) 38.798106˚ N, 0.4389126˚ W Vía Pista, Vía Pista, Valencian Community, Spain
30 Visit to Iberic sites by Xelo Mata 39.624321˚ N, 0.589494˚ W Llíria, Llíria, Valencian Community, Spain
31 Alt del Punxó - coring (2001) 38.798106˚ N, 0.4389126˚ W Vía Pista, Vía Pista, Valencian Community, Spain
32 Excavations at Alt del Punxó (2001) 38.798106˚ N, 0.4389126˚ W Vía Pista, Vía Pista, Valencian Community, Spain
33 Sediment sampling at Alt del Punxó (2001)    
34 Iberic (Iron Age) town 39.624321˚ N, 0.589494˚ W Llíria, Llíria, Valencian Community, Spain
35 Joan Bernabeu at Castellet de Bernabe Iberic site    
36 Castellet de Bernabe Iberic site    
37 Cova de la Falguera (2001) 38.650915˚ N, 0.5885269˚ W CV-801, CV-801, Valencian Community, Spain
38 Oreto Garcia at Falguera (2001) 38.650915˚ N, 0.5885269˚ W CV-801, CV-801, Valencian Community, Spain
39 Julien Riel-Salvatore & Oreto Garcia at Falguera (2001) 38.650915˚ N, 0.5885269˚ W CV-801, CV-801, Valencian Community, Spain
40 Mediterranean oak forest in the Font Roja nature preserve (2000) 38.664891˚ N, 0.5398098˚ W Font Roja Nature Research Station, Font Roja Nature Research Station, Valencian Community, Spain
41 Treching at Mas d’Is, Penaguila valley (2000)    
42 Buried ditch at Mas d’Is, Penaguila valley (2000)    
43 Correfoc at Benimarfull (2001)    
44 Correfoc at Benimarfull (2001)    
45 Visitors brought dinner (2001) 38.788333˚ N, 0.4408037˚ W Muro de Alcoy, Muro de Alcoy, Valencian Community, Spain
46 Rio Serpis valley and Alt del Punxó (red dot) - DEM with Landsat drape    
47 Alt del Punxó - magnetometry and coring analysis    
48 Alt del Punxó - magnetometry and lithic density from coring    
49 Alt del Punxó lithic density (color) and magetometry (relief)    
50 Sierra Benicadell near Alt del Punxó (2003)    
51 Alt del Punxó - bottom    
52 Alt del Punxó - late Roman pit (2003)    
53 Alt del Punxó - bovid metapodial at bottom    
54 Alt del Punxó - pit near possible house (2003)    
55 Alt del Punxó - burned area with Mesolithic date (2003)    
56 Alt del Punxó - magentometry (2003)    
57 Alt del Punxó - electrical tomography (2003)    
58 Alt del Punxó magnetometry prehistoric house and historic (?) terraces    
59 Alt del Punxó - electrical tomography (2003)    
60 Penaguila valley (2003)    
61 Benilloba (2003)    
62 Landscape (2003)    
63 Mas Nou - coring and geophysical survey (2003)    
64 Mas Nou - coring (2003)    
65 Cultura deposits near Mas Nou    
66 Cultura deposits near Mas Nou    
67 Penaguila valley (2003)    
68 Polop Alto valley (2003) 38.664891˚ N, 0.5398098˚ W Font Roja Nature Research Station, Font Roja Nature Research Station, Valencian Community, Spain
69 La Sarga World Heritage Site    
70 La Sarga - grinding or drumming (2003)    
71 La Sarga - deering hunting (2003)    
72 La Sarga - gathering nuts or fruits (2003)    
73 Sander van der Leeuw at La Sarga (2003)    
74 View from La Sarga pictograph site    
75 Through the window at Xátiva castle 38.996967˚ N, 0.5163312˚ W Xàtiva, Xàtiva, Valencian Community, Spain
76 A long hot day 38.996967˚ N, 0.5163312˚ W Xàtiva, Xàtiva, Valencian Community, Spain