Cholla Transmission Line Survey 1978

(Arizona State Museum)

This was my first field project in Arizona. It was a survey, funded by Arizona Public Service, in the area between Cherry and Canyon Creeks, east of Young, AZ. We roughed it in a tent camp adjacent to a pueblo ruin and an asbestos mine at Q-Ranch. I didn’t realize that a lens had loosened in my ancient 35mm camera. So many of my slides are rather abstract. However, a few shots are able to convey the general character of the project

Ciolek-Torrello, R. S., & Lange, R. C. (1979). The Q Ranch study area. In L. S. Teague & L. L. Mayro (Eds.), An archaeological survey of the Cholla-Saguaro transmission line corridor (pp. 109–174). Tucson, AZ: Arizona State Museum.

Image Captions and Locations

Image# Caption Coordinates Location
01 Survey area below the Mogollon Rim    
02 Survey area below the Mogollon Rim    
03 Camp at Q-Ranch    
04 Field camp at Q-Ranch    
05 Solar showers and a monsoon storm    
06 Room block    
07 Potted burial and Craig Montgomery    
08 Cliff dweling