Northern Alicante Survey 1991-1993

(Arizona State University & Universitat de València)

This was my initial field project in the Mediterranean and my first NSF grant for archaeological research (NSF Archaeology Program grants BNS-9115209 and SBR-9904050). Our survey was carried out in a series of valleys of the upper Rio Serpis drainage, in the vicinity of Alcoi, Alicante, Spain. It was a learning experience for all of us involved in the joint ASU/U Valencia project, but an enjoyable and very successful one. We learned each others’ research language and traditions, developed new methods to do patch-based survey in Mediterranean landscapes, used computers and early GIS programs in the field, combined GIS with aerial photography, and developed new methods of regional analysis of palimpsest surface collections. The first major publication from this research was:

Barton, C. M., Bernabeu Auban, J., Aura Tortosa, J. E., & Garcia Puchol, O. (1999). Landscape dynamics and socioeconomic change: an example from the Polop Alto valley. American Antiquity, 64(4), 609-634.

(see Publications section for other papers)

1991 survey in the Polop Alto valley

1993 survey in the Val d’Alcalá and Val de Gallinera, and visiting other locales

Image Captions and Locations

Image# Caption Coordinates Location
01 survey_locations    
02 City    
03 1991 field crew at the Preventorio in the Polop Valley    
04 Polop Alto valley    
05 Starting the survey    
06 Polop Alto valley    
07 Recent erosion exposes Paleolithic lithics    
08 Polop Alto valley    
09 Sometimes survey conditions are challenging    
10 Almuerzo    
11 Back at the lab    
12 A laptop in the field in 1991 - high tech    
13 End    
14 1991 field crew in Famorca    
15 Famorca 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
16 Alcalá valley 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Vall de Alcalá, Valencian Community, Spain
17 Alcalá valley    
18 Alcalá valley 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
19 This pot was NOT found on survey 39.466702˚ N, 0.36669999˚ W, Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain
20 A strategy session with Alcoi Museum staff 38.732059˚ N, 0.246393˚ W, 03813 Famorca, 03813 Famorca, Valencian Community, Spain
21 Our trusty field vehicle 38.695499˚ N, 0.47330001˚ W, Alcoi/Alcoy, Valencian Community, Spain
22 Cultural sediments in the Alcalá valley 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
23 Cultural sediments in the Alcalá valley 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
24 Survey in the Alcalá valley 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
25 Above the Gallinera valley 38.822224˚ N, 0.22222219˚ W, val de gallinera, val de gallinera, Valencian Community, Spain
26 Gallinera valley 38.822224˚ N, 0.22222219˚ W, val de gallinera, val de gallinera, Valencian Community, Spain
27 After comida 38.822224˚ N, 0.22222219˚ W, val de gallinera, val de gallinera, Valencian Community, Spain
28 Buried cultural sediments in the Gallinera valley 38.822224˚ N, 0.222222˚ W, val de gallinera, val de gallinera, Valencian Community, Spain
29 Pleistocene core in Gallinera valley 38.822224˚ N, 0.222222˚ W, val de gallinera, val de gallinera, Valencian Community, Spain
30 Almuerzo. Joan Bernabeu & crew 38.695499˚ N, 0.47330001˚ W, Alcoi/Alcoy, Valencian Community, Spain
31 Emili Aura 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
32 Historic ice house in the Alcalá valley 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
33 landscape taphonomy in the Polop Alto 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain
34 Analysis 38.794445˚ N, 0.25277799˚ W, Valencian Community, Spain