Doctoral Research 1984

(University of Arizona)

My doctoral research involved analysis of lithic artifacts and paleoenvironmental data from Middle Paleolithic locales in the eastern and southern Iberian Peninsula. I directly looked at collections from central eastern Spain (vicinity of Alcoi) and Gibraltar. You can read more about it at:

Barton, C. M. (1988). Lithic variability and Middle Paleolithic behavior: new evidence from the Iberian Penninsula. International Series 408. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.

(see Publications section for other papers)

Image Captions and Locations

Image# Caption Coordinates Location
01 I measured Middle Paleolithic lithics at the Britich Museum    
02 These are stone at the British Museum, but are NOT Middle Paleolithic lithics    
03 I measured more lithics in Oxford    
04 The Bodelian Library in Oxford    
05 An Oxford college quad    
06 I wend to Alcoi to measure more lithics    
07 I measured lithics at the Museu Arqueoligic d’Alcoi    
08 The lab at the Museu Arqueoligic d’Alcoi    
09 I measured lithics in my room    
10 I measured lithics from Cova de Salt    
11 Deposits at Cova de Salt    
12 Deposits at Cova de Salt    
13 I looked at yet more lithics in Cocentaina at the Palau Comtal    
14 Lithics from Penella    
15 Location of Cova Beneito Paleolithic site    
16 Cova Beneito    
17 Gravettian deposits at Cova Beneito    
18 Cova Beneito. Sondage to M. Paleolithic deposits    
19 Pits Les Jovades Neolithic/Calcolithic site    
20 Finally, I went to Gibraltar to measure yet more lithics    
21 Deposits near Devil’s Tower rock shelter (now destroyed)    
22 Gorham’s Cave    
23 Gorham’s Cave deposits    
24 View from Gorham’s cave