Excavations at Kadar, Croatia 1976

(University of Kansas)

Excavations at the Eastern Gravettian (=Magdalenian) Upper Paleolithic site of Kadar were directed by Anta Montet White, University of Kansas, with Al Johnson (KU) and Duro Basler (Sarejevo Museum) as collaborators. The site is near the town of Donja Svilaj, on the border of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. This was my first field project (and first trip) outside the USA.

Montet-White, A., & Johnson, A. E. (1976). Kadar: A late Gravettian site in northern Bosnia, Yugoslavia. Journal of Field Archaeology, 3(4), 407–424.

Image Captions and Locations

Image# Caption Coordinates Location
01 Me, Laura Gadbury, and Mark Baumler (L-R) in Svilaj    
02 Not time for lunch yet. Directors Anta Montet White and Al Johnson    
03 Everybody gets some shade    
04 Two of the most careful excavators    
05 Point proveniencing before total statiions    
06 Trusty (sort of) field vehicle    
07 Me excavating bison mandibles    
08 Mark and I stayed with Tedo’s famiy    
09 Making slivavica    
10 The original bridge at Mostar    
11 View over the Sava and Pannonian Plain    
12 Laura checking the slivas    
13 A bucolic landscape