Mediterranean Landscape Dynamics 1 (MedLand1) project 2004-2011

(Arizona State University, Universitat de València, Universidad de Murcia, University of Jordan, North Carolina State University, Hendricks College, & Geoarchaeological Research Associates)

Building on 2 decades of research on prehistoric human-environmental interaction in the western Mediterranean, I began the MedLand project to create a computational laboratory to carry out modeling experiments in socio-ecological dynamics. Supported by the NSF Biocomplexity in the Environment Program (grants BCS-4102699, BCS-638879, and BCS-543848), this large-scale, interdisciplinary research project also supported archaeological and paleoecological fieldwork in two study areas at opposite ends of the Mediterranean (eastern Spain and western Jordan) to parameterize and validate the computational models. The initial major publication of this work is:

Barton, C. M., Ullah, I., & Mitasova, H. (2010). Computational modeling and socioecological dynamics: a case study from southwest Asia. American Antiquity, 75(2), 364-386.

(see Publications section for other papers)

Image Captions and Locations

Image# Caption Coordinates Location
01 MedLand detailed study locations    
02 Rio Penaguila watershed    
03 Penaguila valley (2003)    
04 Penaguila valley (2003)    
05 Penaguila valley (2003)    
06 Penaguila valley (2003)    
07 Wadi Ziqulab watershed (Landsat over SRTM)    
08 Wadi Ziqlab (2006) Photo by I Ullah    
09 Wadi Ziqlab (2006) Photo by I Ullah    
10 Wadi Ziqlab (2006) Photo by I Ullah    
11 Wadi Ziqlab landscape. Photo by I Ullah    
12 MedLand Modeling Laboratory    
13 Medland Modeling Laboratory interface    
14 Modeling surface processes    
15 Modeling surface processes    
16 Paleoclimate modeling for the Levant    
17 Space-time volume of precipitation over the Jordan valley 10k-6kbp    
18 Digitizing landforms in 3D with anaglyph images 33.420667˚ N, 111.93533˚ W Arizona State University, Tempe, Maricopa, Arizona, United States
19 Penaguila landforms analysis (2007)    
20 Penaguila landforms analysis (2007)    
21 Vegatation modeling (2007)    
22 Using Corona images to ID archaeological sites    
23 Using Corona images to ID archaeological sites    
24 Modeling 40yrs of land-use and landscape change in the Wadi Ziqlab    
25 Modeling 40yrs of land-use and landscape change in the Wadi Ziqlab    
26 Penaguila valley. Modeled erosion/deposition after 50 yrs    
27 Penaguila valley. Modeled erosion/deposition after 50 yrs    
28 Reconstructed paleoterrain in the Penaguila valley    
29 Penaguila valley. Modeled land-landuse & land cover after 10 years    
30 Penaguila valley. Modeled land-landuse & land cover after 100 years    
31 Penaguila valley. Modeled land-landuse & land cover after 500 years    
32 Penaguila valley. Modeled land-landuse & land cover after 1000 years    
33 Modeling barranco incision in the Penaguila valley    
34 Modeling socioecological impacts of site location    
35 Modeling socioecological impacts of site location