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Barton, C.M., Aura-Tortosa, J.E., Garcia-Puchol, O., Riel-Salvatore, J., Ullah, I., 2024. Lessons for an invisible future from an invisible past: Risk and resilience in deep time. The Holocene. Request fair use copy
Berger, U., Bell, A., Barton, C.M., Chappin, E., Dreßler, G., Filatova, T., Fronville, T., Lee, A., van Loon, E., Lorscheid, I., Meyer, M., Müller, B., Piou, C., Radchuk, V., Roxburgh, N., Schüler, L., Troost, C., Wijermans, N., Williams, T.G., Wimmler, M.-C., Grimm, V., 2024. Towards reusable building blocks for agent-based modelling and theory development. Environmental Modelling & Software 175, 106003. Request fair use copy
Cegielski, W., Snitker, G., Barton, C.M., Bernabeu Aubán, J., Cortell-Nicolau, A., Pardo-Gordó, S., Bergin, S., Castillo, A.D., 2023. A multi-method approach with machine learning to evaluating the distribution and intensity of prehistoric land use in Eastern Iberia. Quaternary International, 677–678, 78–94. Request fair use copy
Popescu, G.M., Covătaru, C., Opriș, I., Bălășescu, A., Carozza, L., Radu, V., Haită, C., Sava, T., Barton, C.M., Lazăr, C., 2023. Sine qua non: inferring Kodjadermen-Gumelnița-Karanovo VI population dynamics from aggregated probability distributions of radiocarbon dates. Radiocarbon 1–22. Request fair use copy
Barton, C.M., Ames, D., Chen, M., Frank, K., Jagers, H.R.A., Lee, A., Reis, S., Swantek, L., 2022a. Making modeling and software FAIR. Env. Mod. Software 156, 105496. Request fair use copy
Barton, C.M., Lee, A., Janssen, M.A., van der Leeuw, S., Tucker, G.E., Porter, C., Greenberg, J., Swantek, L., Frank, K., Chen, M., Jagers, H.R.A., 2022b. How to make models more useful. PNAS 119, e2202112119. Request fair use copy
Clark, G. A., & Barton, C. M. (2022). The Mesolithic of Atlantic Coastal Spain – a comparison with the Middle Ebro Basin. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 21(3), 39–114. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Ullah, I. I. T., Gauthier, N., Miller, N., Snitker, G., Esteban-Alamá, I., Bernabeu Aubán, J., & Heimsath, A. (2021). “Digital Proxies” for Validating Models of Past Socio-ecological Systems in the Mediterranean Landscape Dynamics Project. In S. Pardo-Gordó & S. Bergin (Eds.), Simulating Transitions to Agriculture in Prehistory (pp. 195–224). Springer International Publishing. Request fair use copy
Brovkin, V., Brook, E., Williams, J. W., Bathiany, S., Lenton, T. M., Barton, C. M., DeConto, R. M., Donges, J. F., Ganopolski, A., McManus, J., Praetorius, S., de Vernal, A., Abe-Ouchi, A., Cheng, H., Claussen, M., Crucifix, M., Gallopín, G., Iglesias, V., Kaufman, D. S., … Yu, Z. (2021). Past abrupt changes, tipping points and cascading impacts in the Earth system. Nature Geoscience, 14(8), 550–558. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., & Clark, G. A. (2021). From Artifacts to Cultures: Technology, Society, and Knowledge in the Upper Paleolithic. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 4(2), 16. Request fair use copy
Atkinson, J.-A., Hickie, I., McGorry, P., Skinner, A., Prodan, A., Meier, P., Barton, C. M., Sankaran, S., Galea, S., & Wilson, D. (2020, June 11). Complex systems modelling can guide policy and practice. Croakey. Request fair use copy
Schlosser, P., Laubichler, M., Edwards, C., Beschloss, S., Berman, N., van der Leeuw, S., Adamson, J., Barton, M., Bernstein, M., BurnSilver, S., Dirks, G., Franz, J., Franz, N. M., Grimm, N. B., Gwiszcz, J., Helitzer, D., Lloyd, C., Merrigan, K., Sala, O., … White, D. (2020, March 27). COVID-19: The Ultimate Stress Test for Our Global Futures. Medium. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Alberti, M., Ames, D., Atkinson, J.-A., Bales, J., Burke, E., Chen, M., Diallo, S. Y., Earn, D. J. D., Fath, B., Feng, Z., Gibbons, C., Hammond, R., Heffernan, J., Houser, H., Hovmand, P. S., Kopainsky, B., Mabry, P. L., Mair, C., … Tucker, G. (2020). Call for transparency of COVID-19 models. Science, 368(6490), 482–483. Request fair use copy
Chen, M., Voinov, A., Ames, D. P., Kettner, A. J., Goodall, J. L., Jakeman, A. J., Barton, M. C., Harpham, Q., Cuddy, S. M., DeLuca, C., Yue, S., Wang, J., Zhang, F., Wen, Y., & Lü, G. (2020). Position paper: Open web-distributed integrated geographic modelling and simulation to enable broader participation and applications. Earth-Science Reviews, 207, 103223. Request fair use copy
Stephens, L., Fuller, D., Boivin, N., Rick, T., Gauthier, N., Kay, A., Marwick, B., Geralda, C., Armstrong, D., Barton, C. M., Denham, T., Douglass, K., Driver, J., Janz, L., Roberts, P., Rogers, J. D., Thakar, H., Altaweel, M., Johnson, A. L., … Ellis, E. (2019). Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science, 365(6456), 897–902. Request fair use copy
Watts, J., Morss, R. E., Barton, C. M., & Demuth, J. L. (2019). Conceptualizing and implementing an agent-based model of information flow and decision making during hurricane threats. Environmental Modelling & Software, 122, 104524. Request fair use copy
Robinson, D. T., Di Vittorio, A., Alexander, P., Arneth, A., Barton, C. M., Brown, D. G., Kettner, A., Lemmen, C., O’Neill, B. C., Janssen, M., Pugh, T. A. M., Rabin, S. S., Rounsevell, M., Syvitski, J. P., Ullah, I., & Verburg, P. H. (2018). Modelling feedbacks between human and natural processes in the land system. Earth System Dynamics, 9(2), 895–914. Request fair use copy
Snitker, G., Castillo, A. D., Barton, C. M., Aubán, J. B., Puchol, O. G., & Pardo-Gordó, S. (2018). Patch-based survey methods for studying prehistoric human land-use in agriculturally modified landscapes: A case study from the Canal de Navarrés, eastern Spain. Quaternary International, 483, 5–22. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Aura Tortosa, J. E., Garcia-Puchol, O., Riel-Salvatore, J. G., Gauthier, N., Vadillo Conesa, M., & Pothier Bouchard, G. (2018). Risk and resilience in the late glacial: A case study from the western Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 184, 68–84. Request fair use copy
Clark, G.A., Barton, C.M., (2017). Lithics, landscapes & la Longue-durée – Curation & expediency as expressions of forager mobility. Quaternary International 450, 137–149. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. & J. Riel-Salvatore (2016). A Lithic Perspective on Ecological Dynamics in the Upper Pleistocene of Western Eurasia. In Archaeological Variability and Interpretation in Global Perspective, edited by A. P. Sullivan III & D. I. Olszewski, pp. 25-52. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (2016). From Narratives to algorithms: extending archaeological explanation beyond archaeology. In C. Isendahl & D. Stump (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Historical Ecology and Applied Archaeology (27pp). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Ullah, I. I. T., Bergin, S. M., Sarjoughian, H. S., Mayer, G. R., Bernabeu-Auban, J. E., … Arrowsmith, Jr. (2016). Experimental socioecology: Integrative science for Anthropocene landscape dynamics. Anthropocene, 13: 34-45. Request fair use copy
Bernabeu Aubán, J., García Puchol, O., Barton, M., McClure, S., Pardo Gordó, S., 2016. Radiocarbon dates, climatic events, and social dynamics during the Early Neolithic in Mediterranean Iberia. Quaternary International 403, 201–210. Request fair use copy
Diez Castillo, A., Puchol, G., Bernabeu, J., Barton, C.M., Pardo Gordó, S., Snitker, G., Cegielski, W., Bergin, S., 2016. Resiliencia y cambio durante el Holoceno en La Canal de Navarrés (Valencia): recientes trabajos de prospección. Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina, 2016, vol. XXXI, p. 169-185. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Ullah, I., & Heimsath, A. (2015). How to Make a Barranco: Modeling Erosion and Land-Use in Mediterranean Landscapes. Land, 4(3), 578–606. Request fair use copy
Bernabeu Aubán, J., Barton, C. M., Pardo Gordó, S., & Bergin, S. M. (2015). Modeling initial Neolithic dispersal. The first agricultural groups in West Mediterranean. Ecological Modelling, 307, 22–31. Request fair use copy
Rollins, N. D., C. M. Barton, S. Bergin, M. Janssen, & A Lee (2014) A Computational Model Library for publishing model documentation and code. Environmental Modelling & Software 61:59–64. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. & J. Riel Salvatore (2014). The formation of lithic assemblages. Journal of Archaeological Science, 46: 334-352 Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (2013). Complexity, social complexity, and modeling. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 21(2): 306-324. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (2013). Stories of the past or science of the future? archaeology and computational social science. In A. Bevan & M. W. Lake (Eds.), Computational Approaches to Archaeological Spaces (pp. 151–178). Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Villaverde, V., Zilhão, J., Aura, J. E., Garcia, O., & Badal, E. (2013). In glacial environments beyond glacial terrains: Human eco-dynamics in late Pleistocene Mediterranean Iberia. Quaternary International, 318: 53-68. Request fair use copy
Mitasova, H., Barton, C. M., Ullah, I. I. T., Hofierka, J., & Harmon, R. S. (2013). GIS-based soil erosion modeling. In J. Shroder & M. Bishop (Eds.), Treatise in Geomorphology: Vol. 3 Remote Sensing and GI Science in Geomorpholog (pp. 228–258). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Request fair use copy
Fernández-López de Pablo, J., & Barton, C. M. (2013). Bayesian Estimation Dating of Lithic Surface Collections. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., & Riel-Salvatore, J. (2012). Perception, Interaction, and Extinction: a Reply to Premo. Human Ecology, 40(5), 797–801. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., & Riel-Salvatore, J. (2012). Agents of change: modeling biocultural evolution in Upper Pleistocene western Eurasia. Advances in Complex Systems, 15(1-2), 1150003–1 – 1150003–24. Request fair use copy
Bernabeu Auban, J., Moreno Martín, A., & Barton, C. M. (2012). Complex systems, social networks and the evolution of social complexity. In M. Berrocal, L. García Sanjuán, & A. Gilman (Eds.), The Prehistory of Iberia: Debating Early Social Stratification and the State (pp. 23–37). New York: Routledge. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Ullah, I. I. T., Bergin, S. M., Mitasova, H., & Sarjoughian, H. (2012). Looking for the future in the past: long-term change in socioecological systems. Ecological Modelling, 241, 42–53. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Riel-Salvatore, J., Anderies, J. M., & Popescu, G. (2011). Modeling Human Ecodynamics and Biocultural Interactions in the Late Pleistocene of Western Eurasia. Human Ecology. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Ullah, I. I., & Bergin, S. (2010). Land use, water and Mediterranean landscapes: modelling long-term dynamics of complex socio-ecological systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368(1931), 5275 -5297. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Ullah, I., & Mitasova, H. (2010). Computational modeling and socioecological dynamics: a case study from southwest Asia. American Antiquity, 75(2), 364-386. Request fair use copy
Hill, K., Barton, M., & Hurtado, A. M. (2009). The emergence of human uniqueness: characters underlying behavioral modernity. Evolutionary Anthropology, 18(5), 187-200. Request fair use copy
McClure, S. B., Barton, C. M., & Jochim, M. A. (2009). Human behavioral ecology and climate change during the transition to agriculture in Valencia, eastern Spain. Journal of Anthropological Research, 65(2). Request fair use copy
Miller, A., Barton, C. M., García Puchol, O., & Bernabeu Auban, J. M. (2009). Surviving the Holocene crisis: human ecological responses to the onset of the current interglacial. Journal of Anthropological Research, 65(2), 207-220. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (2008). General fitness, transmission, and human behavioral systems. In M. J. O’Brien (Ed.), Cultural Transmission (pp. 112-119). Washingtion, D.C.: American Archaeology Press. Request fair use copy
García Puchol, O., Barton, C.M., Bernabeu Aubán, J., 2008. Programa de prospección geofísica, microsondeos y catas para la caracterización de un gran foso del IV milenio cal AC en Alt del Punxó (Muro de L’Alcoi, Alacant). Trab. prehist. 65, 143–154. Request fair use copy
Indruszewski, G., & Barton, C. M. (2008). Simulating sea surfaces for modeling Viking Age seafaring in the Baltic Sea. In J. T. Clark & E. Hagemeister (Eds.), Digital Discovery: Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage. CAA 2006. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 34th Conference, Fargo, United States, April 2006 (pp. 616-630). Budapest: Archaeolingua. Request fair use copy
Indruszewski, G., & Barton, C. M. (2008). Cost surface DEM modelling of Viking Age seafaring in the Baltic Sea. In B. Frescher & A. Dakouri-Hild (Eds.), Beyond Illustration: 2D and 3D Digitial Technologies as Tools for Discovery in Archaeology, International Series (pp. 56-64). Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. Request fair use copy
Janssen, M. A., Alessa, L. N., Barton, C. M., Bergin, S., & Lee, A. (2008). Towards a community framework for agent-based modeling. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 11(2). Request fair use copy
Miller, A., & Barton, C. M. (2008). Exploring the land: a comparison of land-use patterns in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of the western Mediterranean. Journal of Archaeological Science, 35, 1427-1437. Request fair use copy
Riel-Salvatore, J., Popescu, G., & Barton, C. M. (2008). Standing at the gates of Europe: human behavior and biogeography in the Southern Carpathians during the Late Pleistocene. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 27(4), 399-417. Request fair use copy
Riel-Salvatore, J., & Barton, C. M. (2007). New quantitative perspectives on the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition: the view from the northern Mediterranean. In J. Riel-Salvatore & G. A. Clark (Eds.), Early Upper Paleolithic ‘Transitional’ Industries: New Questions, New Methods. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Bezzi, A., Bezzi, L., Francisci, D., Gietl, R., & Neteler, M. (2007). GRASS, un potente GIS per archeologi. In R. Bagnara & G. M. Jénica (Eds.), Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologici, Atti del I Workshop (Grosseto, 8 maggio 2006) (pp. 97-103). Siena: Università degli Studi di Siena. Request fair use copy
McClure, S., Jochim, M. A., & Barton, C. M. (2006). Behavioral ecology, domestic animals, and land use during the transition to agriculture in Valencia, eastern Spain. In D. Kennett & B. Winterhalder (Eds.), Foraging Theory and the Transition to Agriculture (pp. 197-216). Washingtion, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. Request fair use copy
Peeples, M., Barton, C. M., & Schmich, S. (2006). Resilience lost: intersecting landuse and landscape dynamics in the upland southwest. Ecology and Society, 12(22). Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Schmich, S., & James, S. R. (2004). The ecology of human colonization in pristine landscapes. In C. M. Barton, G. A. Clark, D. R. Yesner, & G. Pearson (Eds.), The Settlement of the American Continents: a Multidisciplinary Approach to Human Biogeography (pp. 138-161). Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Bernabeu Auban, J., Garcia Puchol, O., Schmich, S., & Molina Balaguer, L. (2004). Long-term socioecology and contingent landscapes. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 11(3), 253-295. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Bernabeu Auban, J., Aura Tortosa, J. E., & Molina Balaguer, L. (2004). Historical contingency, nonlinearity, and the neolithization of the western Mediterranean. In L. Wandsnider & E. Athanassopoulos (Eds.), Current Issues in Mediterranean Landscape Archaeology (pp. 99-124). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [ Reprint not available]
Riel-Salvatore, J., & Barton, C. M. (2004). Late Pleistocene technology, economic behavior, and land-use dynamics in southern Italy. American Antiquity, 69(2), 273-290. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Bernabeu Auban, J., Aura Tortosa, J. E., Garcia, O., & La Roca, N. (2002). Dynamic landscapes, artifact taphonomy, and landuse modeling in the western Mediterranean. Geoarchaeology, 17(2), 155-190. Request fair use copy
Bernabeu, J., Barton, C. M., & Perez Ripoll, M. (2001). A taphonomic perspective on Neolithic beginnings: theory, interpretation, and empirical data in the western Mediterranean. Journal of Archaeological Science, 28, 597-612. Request fair use copy
Bernabeu, J., Barton, C.M., Garcia, O., La Roca, N., 2000. Systematic survey in Alicante, Spain: first results. Türkyie Bilimer Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 3, 57–86. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Bernabeu Auban, J., Aura Tortosa, J. E., & Garcia Puchol, O. (1999). Landscape dynamics and socioeconomic change: an example from the Polop Alto valley. American Antiquity, 64(4), 609-634. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (1998). Looking back from the world’s end: Paleolithic settlement and mobility at Gibraltar. In J. L. Sanchidrián Torti & M. D. Simón Vallejo (Eds.), Las culturas del Pleistoceno superior en Andalucía (pp. 13-23). Nerja: Patronato de la Cueva de Nerja. Request fair use copy
Villaverde, V., Aura Tortosa, J. E., & Barton, C. M. (1998). The Upper Paleolithic in Mediterranean Spain: a review of current evidence. Journal of World Prehistory, 12(2), 121-198. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (1997). Stone tools, style, and social identity: an evolutionary perspective on the archaeological record. In C. M. Barton & G. A. Clark (Eds.), Rediscovering Darwin: Evolutionary Theory in Archaeological Explanation, Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (Vol. 7, pp. 141-156). Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., & Clark, G. A. (1997). Evolutionary theory in archaeological explanation. In C. M. Barton & G. A. Clark (Eds.), Rediscovering Darwin: Evolutionary Theory in Archaeological Explanation, Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (Vol. 7, pp. 3-18). Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., & Clark, G. A. (Eds.). (1997). Rediscovering Darwin: Evolutionary Theory in Archaeological Explanation. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (Vol. 7). Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association. Available on direct request.
Barton, C. M., & Neeley, M. P. (1996). Phantom cultures of the Levantine Epipaleolithic. Antiquity, 70(267), 139-147. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Olszewski, D. I., & Coinman, N. R. (1996). Beyond the graver: reconsidering burin function. Journal of Field Archaeology, 23(1), 111-125. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Clark, G. A., & Cohen, A. E. (1994). Art as information: explaining Upper Paleolithic art in western Europe. World Archaeology, 26, 185-207. Request fair use copy
Neeley, M. P., & Barton, C. M. (1994). A new approach to interpreting late Pleistocene microlith industries in southwest Asia. Antiquity, 68(259), 275-288. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., & Clark, G. A. (1993). Cultural and natural formation processes in late Quaternary cave and rockshelter sites of western Europe and the Near East. In P. Goldberg, D. T. Nash, & M. D. Petraglia (Eds.), Formation Processes in Archaeological Context (pp. 33-52). Madison, WI.: Prehistory Press. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (1991). Retouched tools: fact or fiction? Paradigms for interpreting chipped stone. In G. A. Clark (Ed.), Perspectives in prehistory paradigmatic biases in circum-Mediterranean hunter-gatherer research (pp. 143-163). Philidelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M., Rubio, F., Miksicek, C. A., & Donahue, D. J. (1990). Domestic Olive. Nature, 346, 518-519. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (1990). Stone Tools and Paleolithic Settlement in the Iberian Peninsula. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 56, 15-32. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (1990). Beyond style and function: a view from the Middle Paleolithic. American Anthropologist, 92(1), 57-72. Request fair use copy
Barton, C. M. (1988). Lithic variability and Middle Paleolithic behavior: new evidence from the Iberian Penninsula. International Series 408. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. Request fair use copy